Rules and Regulations
Each academic year shall consist of not less than 270 working days.
A candidate is required to put in minimum 90% of attendance as mandatory in both theory and practical separately in each subject before admission to the examination, including Yoga practical class for one hour daily throughout the course.
- A candidate lacking in the prescribed attendance and progress in any one subject in theory and practical shall not be permitted for admission to the examinations in the first appearance.
- Each candidate shall prepare his / her laboratory note books duly certified by the Head of the Department as a bonafide record of the work done by the candidate.
- A minimum of four written and practical examinations will be conducted in each subject during an academic year and the average marks of three best performances shall be taken into consideration for the award of sessional marks.
- A candidate should complete all the I and II BNYS subjects before entering into III BNYS course and all the III and IV BNYS subjects before entering into Internship.
- All academic fees should be paid on or before specified dates, failing will result in disciplinary action.
- Dress code
- Track Suits for Yoga Practical Classes
- White apron for Theory & Practical Classes
- Blazers for formal occasions
- Boys should attend the classes in formal pant, full Sleeves shirt, black or brown formal shoe and well trimmed hairs
- Girls should attend the classes in Chudithar or Saree
- The allotment of rooms will be made by the Warden based on the application submitted by the candidate.
- Admission and continued stay in the hostel depend upon the academic performance, good behaviour and conduct of the student.
- Perfect silence is to be maintained in the hostel premises
- When leaving the rooms for regular theory & practical classes or for vacation, etc., fans, electrical gadgets, lights etc., should be switched off. Windows are to be closed securely.
- Students absenting themselves from regular classes will have to take the permission of the Warden
- Continuation of stay of a student in the hostel is subject to the discretion of the administration.
- All movements from and to the hostels should be recorded in the movement register kept with the security guard at the entrance of the college and should be properly signed.
- Ragging in any form is strictly forbidden. If anyone is found guilty of ragging, he/ she will be expelled and also liable for prosecution under the Tamil Nadu Prohibition of Ragging Act, 1997.
- The hostel rooms are subject to inspection by the College / Hostel authorities to make sure that they are kept neat and tidy and no unauthorized items like liquor, drugs, lethal weapons etc., are kept in the room. Possession of any such item, which is likely to cause physical harm to others, is strictly prohibited.
- Smoking, gambling in any form, consumption of alcohol, use of drugs and narcotics and even possession of such things are prohibited inside the campus. Anyone found indulging in the use of such things will not only be asked to vacate the hostel but also be rusticated from the College.
- If any inmate is found indulging in any form of quarrel / threat to any other inmate he / she will be asked to vacate the hostel forthwith. In this regard, the decision of the Warden is final.
- The hostellers are not allowed to keep computers or Laptop, TV, electric irons or any electrical equipment without written permission of the Warden. Unauthorised possession will lead to confiscation of the goods.
- Ordinary cell phone could be used by the student but not inside the class rooms, examination halls, Laboratory, Library, offices, Mess hall and during silence hour in the hostel.
- The hostellers themselves are personally responsible to safeguard their belongings.
- Guests are not permitted to stay in any of the hostels. If the parents wish to stay, then the student / parent may approach the Office for getting accommodation in the Guest House, [subject to availability] and the same will be provided on a nominal rent.
- Parents/ Guardian visiting the student should remain in the visiting room of the hostel. Entry into the hostel blocks is not permitted.
- Rough handling of dining hall furniture, room furniture or any furniture / property or fittings of the hostel is strictly forbidden.
- The inmates shall not waste food, electricity & water. Wastage causes unnecessary and unavoidable expenditure to others.
- Dining hall furniture and utensils like stainless steel tumblers, plates, spoons etc., are not to be taken out of the dining hall. If anyone is found taking these properties out, he/she will be strictly penalized.
- The meal timings are to be strictly adhered.
- All the students of the hostel should take their food in the allotted mess only.
Medical Care:
- 24 hours Naturopathy & Yoga Therapy facility is available in the campus.
- Any inmate, who is not well, should report to the Warden / resident Doctor for appropriate advice.
Deposit & Payment:
- A sum fixed by the management will have to be paid towards Caution Deposit, which will be refunded, when the student vacates the hostel after deducting the dues, if any.
- The Establishment charges will have to be paid for each year as decided by the management.
- The hostel charges for each month will be displayed in the notice board by the following month.
- Those who are absent from the hostel, for a period not less than three continuous days alone are eligible for mess reduction, provided the inmate produces a written letter.