Mr. Sangu Malar Selvan, Intern JSSINYS
JSSINYS is the destination of the future. Life here teaches not only medicine but the right way of living in harmony with the self and Nature and of course the ultimatum of yoga “the union”. Here we are not only taught but lived the life we had learnt. A learner learns when he explains, and a teacher teaches as he determines.
Learn by teaching-pedagogy-Jean-Pol Martin.
I am thanking you Ishwara for allowing me to be a part of this institution.
Ms Ashwathika A, Final year, BNYS
I was just carried away by the environment of the campus because I firmly believe that a pleasant environment can do great things. The college being a perfect place for one complete course helps you know your peers in the campus and learn together as a family. I can assure you that here you would be equipped with all the necessary skills to become a better doctor.
Dr. DHAYA. G, (BNYS, Msc.Psych)
The academic experience with great infrastructure and excellent faculty at JSS Institute of Naturopathy and yogic sciences has endured me with a lifelong carrier excellence. This institution has enlightened methroughout the beautiful journey. It made me realize that learning environment makes it different, so in case of my JSS. I owe my success to JSS INYS and I really feel lucky and proud of being aAlumni of this institution.
Ms. Dhanusri V, Third year, BNYS
Our college is well equipped with all the amenities that bring out the best in us. The lush green environment, friendly seniors and ever caring lecturers make me feel that I have selected the best course in the best college.
JSSINYS is a place to learn proper discipline and moral values in life. Studying in this college brought a change and added values to my life.
Ms. Nivetha N, Second-year BNYS
JSS Institute of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences has provided me with excellent guidance and extensive knowledge about the intricate sciences of naturopathy. It also has enlightened me in various phases of the great brain science, yoga. It has not only been supportive of my educational needs but also has provided care and encouragement to nurture my interests in extracurricular activities. The residential environment proves to be a significant aspect for gaining the experience of naturopathy and yoga, which are not mere healing sciences but are indeed a way of life.
Parent of Ms. Sharon, Third year student
The well planned curriculum, interactive sessions and other actions in JSSINYS have been very satisfactory. I feel immense gratitude to the faculties for their efforts. The Faculty not only nurtures the students to be a hardworking student but also help to build their very own unique personality.
Parent of Ms. Aswathika, Final Year Student
சிறுநீர்நோய்தொற்றால்சிலகாலம்அவதிப்பட்டுவந்தேன்.பலமருத்துவமனைகளுக்குசென்றும்பலனேதுமில்லை.பின், ஜெ.எஸ்.எஸ்இயற்கைமர்உத்துவமனையில் 1 வாரம்தங்கிசிகிச்சைபெற்றேன்.அதன்பின்வலிநீங்கியதோடு, மருத்துவபரிசோதனைகள்பொதுமாதிரியாகஇருந்தன.அன்றுமுதல் ,இயற்கைமருத்துவமுறைகள்மட்டுமேபயன்படுத்திவருகிரேன்.அனைவரும்இயற்கைமருத்துவத்தின்பலன்களைஅறியவேண்டும்என்பதேஎன்விருப்பம்.
– சாந்தாமணிஅசோக்குமார்
Dr. Ravikiran (Professor cum Senior Medical Officer)
Working in JSSINYS gave me real satisfaction and privilege.Year by year I can observe students are motivated and are always aspiring to new knowledge. The college gives everyone great teaching and learning experience in a very friendly atmosphere. Also I strongly believe on the Mission and Vision of the College and which is an inspiration for the coming generations.