Department of Naturopathy
Naturopathy is a drugless, non-invasive, rational and evidence-based system of medicine that imparts natural therapies based on the theory of vitality, toxemia, the self-healing capacity of the human body and the principles of healthy living. Naturopathy is a science of healthy living. Human body has the self healing power and is composed of five great elements [Panchamahabhutas]. Imbalance of these elements creates diseases. Treatment of the diseases by these elements, ie, earth, water, air, fire and ether is known as Naturopathy.
Unnatural habits of living or violation of Nature’s law is the main cause of disease. To overcome the disease we must obey the nature’s law and allow the body to cure by its own or assist the body in natural way of living, whereby it provides an opportunity to kindle the healing forces within the body to heal itself.
This course prepares graduates to become Naturopathy and Yoga Medical professionals at the end of the 5½ years curriculum. The curriculum integrates Clinical Naturopathic Medicine and Research with body, mind and spirit. The students are educated to deal with health promotion and disease prevention. They gain their skills in various Naturopathy treatment modalities which include Hydrotherapy, Clay therapy, Massage therapy, Aroma therapy, Chromo therapy, Magneto therapy, Chiropractic and fasting.
Course Objectives
- To make the students understand about the underlying spiritual, social, mental and physical causes of disease.
- To impart them knowledge of practice in a manner that exemplifies professionalism, strong ethics and a commitment to the principles of Naturopathic medicine.
- To guide them to communicate effectively with patients and to appraise and apply knowledge of research in treating patients.
- To integrate biomedical skills with clinical basic medical science knowledge in the assessment, diagnosis and management of patients.
- To identify the need for urgent and emergency health care and direct appropriate resolution.
- To establish and manage a Naturopathic practice in treating acute and chronic disease conditions.
- To implement correct line of management to treat various medical conditions.
- To demonstrate leadership in health advocacy and environmental stewardship.
- To guide students how to collaborate effectively and work in partnership with other health care practitioners.
- To demonstrate commitment to the advancement of Naturopathy and Yoga Medical profession.
Department of Yoga
The course aims at providing meticulous knowledge and in-depth experience in the study of Yoga as a philosophy, practice and therapy. Through a concentrated study of yoga asanas (postures), mantras (sacred chants), meditation techniques, pranayama (breath control), mudras and bandhas and philosophical and religious scriptures, students will engage in questioning, analysis, and application of yoga in various planes of health.
Course Objectives
- To make the students learn about Yoga Philosophy, classical concepts related to different schools of Yoga and interpretation of therapeutic practices for today’s practitioner.
- To highlight the evolution of Yoga from its ancient incarnation to its present day practice.
- To teach insights of Yoga in Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism and Sikhism.
- To explain an overview of Indian culture, history and religions and their relationship to Yoga.
- To educate the different principles of movement and alignment.
- To teach Yoga postures and sequences – asanas and their practice in association with vinyasa.
- To demonstrate different breathing techniques – pranayama and their beneficial effects and their mechanisms of action in the body and mind.
- To explain the different lineages of the Hatha Yoga tradition.
- To make students understand about Yoga’s role in alternative medicine – holistic approach to health care.
- To make students learn Yoga for fitness.
- To understand the concept of Yoga for inner peace and harmony.
- To extract knowledge of Yoga as a therapy.
- To learn and practice Meditation and relaxation techniques.
Yoga Philosophy and Practice
It explains about the history and outlines on branches of Yoga. Also, it gives explanation about the rules and regulations of Yoga to the practitioner. This knowledge enables the the students to prepare themselves physically and mentally for the practice of Yoga. Knowledge on philosophies of Yoga helps to develop the moral aspects of the students.
Department of Human Anatomy
Anatomy is concerned with the study of structure of the body through microscopic observation and dissection of the body. It is the basic course providing the morphological setting upon which clinical knowledge and experiences are built. In this course we approach anatomy from gross structural, developmental, cross-sectional and radiological perspectives. Students will use the knowledge acquired to recognize the normal variations and clinically relevant abnormalities commonly encountered in medical practice. In addition, the gross anatomy experience provides an opportunity to enhance the professional skills which will be used throughout the career.
Course Objectives
- The primary objective of this course is to make the student understand the construction of the human body. Also, to provide basic understanding and working knowledge of the human body.
- To provide an introduction to the language of anatomy and use anatomical terms fluently when describing different tissues and organs.
- To become familiar with essential concepts including structure of organism and homeostasis.
- To provide an understanding of the anatomy and histology and organization of cells, tissues, and organ systems and be able to recognize the gross and microscopic anatomy of the tissues and organs and also demonstrate how different tissue types interact to create organs.
- To specifically examine the gross anatomy and histology of the skin, muscle, skeletal, nervous and other systems.
- To develop observational skills and logical thought patterns.
Department of Human Physiology
Physiology is the study of the functions of human body. Physiology describes the nature of life. It provides the framework for studying and exploring the basis of life. Important historic milestones in physiology will be introduced in order to help place study of this course in the context of current and predicted physiological science developments. The students are instructed to view life from the simplest to the most complex levels of organization – from the subcellular, to the whole person. This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the functions and regulation of the human body and physiological integration of the organ systems to maintain homeostasis. Course content will include neural and hormonal homeostatic control mechanisms, as well as study of the cell physiology, blood and body fluids, musculoskeletal, circulatory, cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, digestive, immune, reproductive, nervous and endocrine systems and special senses.
Course Objectives
- To make students understand in broad terms human physiological structure and functions.
- To describe functional organization of the human body and control of its internal environment.
- To describe the cell, its components and its functions.
- To demonstrate an understanding of genetic control of protein synthesis, cell functions and cell reproduction.
- To describe transport of ions and molecules throughout the cell membrane.
- To demonstrate an understanding of membrane potentials and action potentials related to different cells.
- To make students understand how the major controlling and governing systems of the body, the endocrine and nervous systems operate upon.
- To discuss the major regions and functions of the brain and spinal cord.
- To describe how hormones react with cell receptors to bring about cell, organ and homeostatic changes.
- To rule out the functions, the pathways and mechanisms of different organ systems of the body and to correlate with existing research evidences.
- To give clear and vast knowledge to the students regarding applied physiological aspects of different organ systems of the body.
Department of Pathology
Pathology is the study of abnormal structure and functions of the human body. The subject comprises the study of gross and microscopic appearance of the diseased tissue forms and the basis of treating the disease.
Course Objectives
- To become familiar with pathology nomenclature. By the end of the course, the students are expected to be able to communicate an understanding of tissue injury and disease processes, using appropriate vocabulary.
- To recognize morphological and functional differences between normal and injured or diseased tissue. The first goal of the course is to learn to discriminate pathological lesions from normal tissue. The second goal is to comprehend a structural, functional and biochemical perspective, the different types of pathological lesions, and provide scenarios for how they arise.
- To integrate pathological findings with clinical manifestations of disease. As this course is designed for graduate students’ training for the medical field, the students are expected to develop an understanding of the clinical features for certain disease processes. These features may impact on detection, treatment or outcome of the disease or injury.
- To integrate the principles and information presented in this course with that from related disciplines. Material presented in the course is expected to contribute to the body of knowledge which students will carry with them into a research career. This should be a “working” body of knowledge which the student can apply, in a problem solving manner, to understand mechanisms of disease.
- In working towards a current understanding of the pathologic basis of disease, the student should develop a sense of which questions in pathology remain to be resolved.
Department of Microbiology
Microbiology attempts to emphasize the infectious diseases that are of actual or potential importance to humans. The course emphasizes distribution, morphology and physiology of microorganisms in addition to skills in aseptic procedures, isolation and identification. This course also includes sophomore level material covering immunology, virology, epidemiology and DNA technology.
Course Objectives
- To describe in detail the morphology, the culture, spread, biochemical activities, antigenic characters, pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis, treatment and prevention and control measures of each pathogen.
- To have clear understanding of the organs commonly involved in infection.
- To recall the relationship of infection to symptoms, relapse and the accompanying pathology.
- To explain the methods of microorganism control, e.g. chemotherapy and vaccines.
- To demonstrate practical skills in fundamental microbiological techniques.
- To present and interpret results obtained from using these techniques.
- To present information clearly in both written and oral form.
- To describe the architecture, chemical composition, cultivation and classification of viruses.
- To define the terms necessary to understand disease principles and epidemiology: normal and transient flora, opportunists, pathogen, infection, disease, virulence and its measures, etiology, nosocomial, epidemic, endemic, pandemic, portals of entry and exit, types of symbiosis, predisposing factors, morbidity and mortality.
- To compare and contrast living and nonliving reservoirs, using examples.
- To compare and contrast disease transmission, using examples: contact, vehicle, and vector.
- To compare and contrast the stages of disease development: incubation, prodrome, illness, decline and convalescence.
- To compare and contrast immediate and delayed hypersensitivity (allergy), using examples.
- To compare and contrast autoimmune diseases and immune deficiencies, using examples.
- To compare and contrast the immune response to tumors and cancer with that to transplants (grafts), using examples.
Department of Biochemistry
This subject is designed to study the normal pathways of metabolism. The aim of the subject is to have a greater appreciation for the role of biochemistry in disease and the role of biochemistry in clinical treatments.
Course objectives
- To explain the biochemical basis of different organs’ functions, metabolic processes and homeostasis.
- To give an insight to the digestion and absorption of the main dietary categories like carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins in the human body and the key metabolic processes.
- To make students understand the normal human metabolism.
- To familiarize the students with function and mode of action of hormones in health and disease and understand their roles in controlling various metabolic pathways.
- To enable the students identify and understand the molecular basis of various diseases.
- To enable the students recognize the different biochemical tests and select the biochemical test appropriate to the diagnosis and management of the disease.
Department of Medicine
The course is designed to educate the students about the diagnosis and treatment of common illnesses. It helps the students gain sufficient knowledge about rare diseases, advances and technologies in medicine.
Course objectives
The course enables the students to learn the following.
- History, examination and diagnosis.
- Relevant investigations and their interpretation with reasonable accuracy.
- Appropriate treatment and early disposal.
- Prompt diagnosis and management of emergencies.
- Ethical principles during work.
- Seek and give consultation when required.
- Sympathetic behavior with patients and their relatives.
- Respect patients’ rights and privileges.
- Supplement information about their illnesses.
- Prescribe laboratory tests, radiologic examinations and special procedures, appropriate diagnosis and treatment according to patients’ problems.
Department of Diagnostic Methods in Naturopathy
The subject enables the students to understand concept of Diagnostic methods in Naturopathy. These methods are non-invasive and useful in understanding the progression of disease as well. Practical classes to understand the theory of Naturopathy diagnosis will imprint the knowledge for the learners and apply them when they practice.
Course objectives
The course enables the students to learn the following.
- Understanding the science of facial expression.
- Foreign matter theory.
- Concentrated toxic accumulations, encumbrance; locations and natural ways to release those toxins.
- Navel displacement: Identification and correction.
- Iridology: understanding the concept and apply in practice to diagnose the disease.
- Understanding the concept of inflammation according to Naturopathy philosophies.
- Case history taking and using techniques like Nabhi Pareeksha, Swara Vignan, Nadi Vignan for attaining practical knowledge
Department of Diagnostic Methods in Modern Medicine
This subject helps to impart the knowledge of techniques and skills in the diagnostic procedures adapted by Modern Medicine.
Course objectives
The course enables the students to learn the following.
- Understand the clinical diagnosis.
- To study and practice effectively case history taking and manual systemic examination.
- To identify the course of the disease by techniques and types of equipment that can be utilized to understand the disease.
- Understanding the routine and special investigations like laboratory investigations, radiology, EEG, ECG, etc.
- To gain insights into contrast radiology techniques.
- Biochemical investigations.
- Practical sessions on history taking and physical examination of cases and writing case sheets.
Department of Basic Pharmacology
Pharmacology provides students with a solid grounding in the basic concepts and scientific underpinnings of pharmacological agents. It provides students with a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental Pharmacology and uses of the major classes of clinically important drugs currently used in medical practice.
Course objectives
The course enables the students to learn the following.
- Discuss indications, rationale, efficacy and risks for commonly prescribed medications in primary care settings.
- Describe appropriate strategies for monitoring the expected effects and potential adverse effects of medication.
- To understand the fundamental scientific principles of drug action and the various mechanisms by which drugs can mediate their pharmacological effects.
- To understand the fundamental principles of pharmacokinetics those underlie the absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination of drugs in the body and thereby affect drug effectiveness.
- To understand the biochemical reactions that result in the metabolism of drugs within the body.
- To understand the rationale behind designing different dosing regimens of particular drugs in specific patient populations.
- To understand how specific patient characteristics and genetics can affect the response to a particular class of drugs.
- To understand the scientific basis underlying how two different drugs can interact within the body and can have undesirable effects either on drug concentrations or on drug clinical effects.
- To understand the Pharmacology and clinical use of the major class of clinically important drugs. These include drugs affecting the autonomic nervous system, anesthetics and analgesics, drugs to treat the heart and diseases of the cardiovascular system, drugs affecting the pulmonary system, antibiotics, drugs used to treat psychiatric disorders, drugs of abuse and drugs used to treat addiction, drugs that affect the immune system, drugs that affect the endocrine system, dietary supplements and herbal medications, antiviral drugs and chemotherapeutic drugs used in the treatment of cancer.
Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
The main aim is to produce a physician who is well informed about medico-legal responsibility during the practice of Medicine. The student acquires knowledge of law in relation to medical practice, medical negligence and respect for the codes of Medical ethics.
Course objectives
- To learn the basic Medico-legal aspects of hospital and general practice.
- To educate about the Medico-legal responsibility of a physician.
- To make the students understand physician’s responsibilities in criminal matters and respect for the codes of medical ethics.
- To know about the medico-legal aspects and post-mortem examination findings in the causes of death.
- To study effects of poisoning, prevention and epidemiology of common poisoning and their legal aspects.
- General principles of medico-legal examination, documentation and reporting of injury, age, sexual offences, intoxication, poisoning and chronic toxicity are learnt.
Department Of Community Medicine
Community Medicine is a branch of medicine dealing with health care issues affecting communities as a whole.
Course objectives
- To educate and train the students in various areas related to Community Medicine like clinical epidemiology, epidemiological research, human nutrition, deficiency disorder, prevention and control of deficiency disorders, maternal and child health, health care management, health care services, environmental sanitation and occupational hazards.
- The department is well equipped and possesses necessary facilities to educate the students like various models of houses, toilets, sewage disposal systems, water purifying systems and methods, charts displaying the map of endemic areas, national and international health promotion, disease prevention, microscopes and microscopic slides of various disease causing microbes, vectors, etc.
- Apart from the class room teaching, students are guided to visit the nearby communities to understand the health problems of community, government and private water purifying systems, different levels of health care systems.
- TWith all the above facilities and exposure, the students are trained and motivated to look into community and public health as an option of higher studies and career.
Department of Psychology and Basic Psychiatry
Psychology is an introduction to the scientific study of human behavior and mental processes. The course introduces the major theories, methods, and findings of modern psychology to the students. Topics include: research methods, biological psychology, sensation and perception, learning, memory, cognition and language, intelligence, development, personality, abnormal behavior, treatment, and social psychology.
Course objectives
- To make students understand how a psychological perspective provides insight into human behaviors.
- The students learn about the important concepts, theoretical perspectives, research methods and research findings in psychology and are able to think critically about topics in psychology.
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
This course is designed to assist students in developing expertise and in depth understanding in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology. It will help students to appreciate the client as a holistic individual and develop skill to function as an independent midwifery practitioner. It will further enable the student to function as educator, manager and researcher in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Course objectives
- Appreciate the trends in the field of obstetrics and gynaecology as a specialty.
- Describe the population dynamics and indicators of maternal and child health.
- Describe the concepts of biophysical, psychological and spiritual aspects of normal pregnancy, labor and puerperium.
- Provide comprehensive nursing care to women during reproductive period.
- Integrate the concepts of family centered approach in obstetrics and gynecology.
- Identify and analyze the deviations from normal birth process and refer appropriately.
- Describe the pharmacological agents, their effects during pregnancy, child birth, puerperium, lactation and the role of physician.
- Counsel adolescents, women and families on issues pertaining to pregnancy, child birth and lactation.
- Describe the role of various types of complementary and alternative therapies in obstetrics and gynecology.
- Incorporate evidence based practice and identify the areas of research in the field of obstetrics and gynecology.
- Describe the recent advancement in contraceptive technology and birth control measures.
Yoga and Physical Culture
- To provide deep learning of Yoga by applying the knowledge of anatomy and physiology to understand the biomechanical effects of the different postures.
- To know about the physiological and spiritual importance of Shatkriyas.
- To teach Psycho-physiological effects of meditation.
- To acquire deep understanding of different ancient textbooks on Yoga.
- To learn about the science of nervous mechanisms related to Yoga.
- To gain indepth and definite knowledge about the differences and effects of Yoga and exercises.
Yoga therapy
- To apply knowledge on physical culture and physiology of Yoga practice to treat various disease conditions.
- To learn some advanced techniques of Yoga therapy.
- To gain knowledge on therapeutic applications of different Yoga practices to treat various medical conditions.
Department of Nutrition and Herbology
Nutrition and herbology deals with the study of different nutritional and herbal prescriptions which are beneficial to treat and prevent relevant medical conditions, as Naturopathy firmly believes on the concept of ‘Food is medicine’. The course emphasizes on ingredient functions and interactions, technique, production and sensory evaluation standards, food safety, sanitation and nutrient values.
Course objectives
- To teach students to identify components of food products.
- To apply basic scientific principles those are essential in the preparation and storage of high quality food products.
- To understand and apply the principles of science in the preparation of food.
- To describe and follow accepted sanitary food production procedures in the preparation of food.
- To identify preparation methods to optimize nutrition content.
- To demonstrate basic knowledge of food preparation terminology and techniques.
- To demonstrate basic knowledge of weights, measures and conversions.
- To demonstrate the ability to follow a standardized recipe.
- To evaluate sensory attributes of food.
- To describe and follow proper safety procedures in the kitchen.
- To prepare and present a variety of food products demonstrating knowledge of basic methods and ingredients of cooking.
- To identify and compare qualitative and quantitative standards for food prepared in the laboratory.
- To compare the effects of food preparation methods on the nutritive value of foods.
- Prescription of diet on therapeutic basis.
- To recognize the most commonly used herbs.
- To understand how and when herbs should be used.
- To educate others about the proper use of herbs.
- To know about nutritional deficiencies, their prevention and control. To have awareness on Public health and nutrition.
- To learn about immunity and nutrition.
Department of Massage, Chiropractice, Osteopathy and Aromatherapy
Massage therapy, Chiropractic and Osteopathy are the manipulative therapies applied in Naturopathy. Massage involves acting and manipulating the body with pressure. Chiropractic operates on the theory that the improper alignment of the vertebrae can cause various medical conditions and by manipulating the muscles, joints, spinal column, we can improve the internal condition of the body.
Course objectives
- Introduction to Massage and its historical highlights.
- Structures specially concerned in relation to massage.
- Detailed understanding of the effects of manipulative therapy on various systems of the body.
- To understand massage techniques for prevention of diseases and maintenance of natural beauty.
- To make students learn basic therapeutic massage technique, indications and contra-indications.
- Crisis through massage is understood.
- Implementation of different types of massage – Swedish, Dry Brush, Shiatsu and Ayurvedic.
- Definition and Basic principles of Chiropractic, Osteopathy
- Practical demonstration of all the manipulative therapies.
Department of Hydrotherapy and Clay therapy
Massage therapy, Chiropractic and Osteopathy are the manipulative therapies applied in Naturopathy. Massage involves acting and manipulating the body with pressure. Chiropractic operates on the theory that the improper alignment of the vertebrae can cause various medical conditions and by manipulating the muscles, joints, spinal column, we can improve the internal condition of the body.Hydrotherapy is the study of various therapeutic effects of water and the application of different hydrotherapy modalities to treat disease conditions and to improve general health. Clay therapy is the study of properties, therapeutic effects and application of mud or clay to treat disease conditions and to improve general health. The course is designed to educate and train the students with the hydrotherapy and clay therapy treatment modalities. According to the basic principles of Naturopathy, disease is caused due to the accumulation of toxins in the body and thus, diseases can be treated by the application of natural elements, ie, water and earth.
Course objectives
- To know the introduction and historical highlights and perspectives of Hydrotherapy.
- To study the physiological basis and importance of water on different systems.
- To make the students understand about the reflex areas, action and reaction mechanisms.
- To teach the various mechanisms of action of hydrotherapy on acute and chronic diseases.
- To explain the general rules, therapeutic significance, adaptation of individual cases, general indications and contra-indications.
- To impart knowledge on therapeutic actions of hydrotherapy like excitant effects, haemostatic effects, cardiac effects, emmenagogue effects, vesical excitations, intestinal excitation, restorative effects, tonic effects, calorific effects, diaphoretic effects, expectorant effects, diuretic effects, resolvent effects, sedative effects, anti-thermic and anti-pyretic effects.
- To make students learn about the techniques of various water and clay treatment modalities with their limitations.
- To provide training to improve the prescription of hydrotherapy and clay therapy treatments to treat diseases.
Department of Fasting and Diet Therapy
Fasting and diet therapy is one of the most important therapies in Naturopathy to treat various medical conditions. The subject includes scientific and systematic study of the procedure, mechanisms and effects of fasting and diet therapy and brings the knowledge of basic nutrition up to date.
Course objectives
- To learn about different types of fasting such as water fasting, juice fasting, fruit fasting, etc. Also, to learn about periodic and intermittent fasting patterns.
- To learn about autophagy mechanism of fasting and its significant role in communicable and non-communicable diseases.
- To learn about the history and philosophy of fasting.
- To learn about the physiology of fasting.
- To learn about the rules and regulations of therapeutic fasting.
- To study the indications and contra-indications of fasting.
- To provide insights on physiological actions of fasting and the mechanisms through which different medical conditions can be treated.
- New concepts of diet therapy as they have developed through recent years.
- Dietetic principles in Naturopathy.
- To learn different methods of cooking and nutrient losses and preservation.
- Disease management with therapeutic diet.
- Food combination and health.
- Kalpa therapy in Naturopathy.
Department of Chromotherapy and Magnetotherapy
The course emphasizes on techniques and treatment modalities through the application of various colours and magnets. It mainly deals with the air therapy, heliotherapy, chromotherapy and magnetotherapy.
Course objectives
- To explain about the harmonic laws, theory of light and force, chromo-chemistry, chromo-diagnosis and chromo-therapeutics.
- To provide understanding on practical instruments for colour healing, chromotherapy prescriptions and chromo-mentalism.
- To demonstrate chromo diagnosis and chromo-hygiene.
- To analyze the clinical reports and correlate with chromo-diagnosis and gain knowledge about the recent developments in the field.
- To provide insights into historical highlights of magnetotherapy.
- To teach the effects of magnetism and medical influences of magnetic fields and the technique of application of magnets.
- To make the student know about the usage of magnetized water and oils.
Department of Physiotherapy
The program curriculum is based on a systematic theory and practical sessions to explain the nature and causes of movements in humans. The key concept of the theory is the notion that movement emerges as the result of interactions between multiple systems at the individual’s sensory, motor, perceptive, and cognitive level, the task to be performed and the environment. It helps to restore movements and function when someone is affected by injury, illness or disability. The exercises target the treatment of painful areas by developing general muscle strengthening and flexibility, as well as improving overall range of motion throughout the body.
Course objectives
- The objective of the program is to train individual to become competent in evidence-based practice in the management of cardio-respiratory, neurologic and orthopedic conditions in pediatric, adult and senior populations which remediates impairments, promotes mobility, functions and improving quality of life.
- Understanding procedural electrotherapy interventions used in practice.
- Analyzing impairments which affect body structures and functions leading to activity limitations and participation restrictions, through proper clinical assessment.
- Set therapeutic objectives, recommend strategies, choose appropriate procedural interventions that are tailored to the individual’s potential for recovery and return to activity and participation.
- Providing both theoretical and practical knowledge on electrotherapy and exercise therapy.
- Making students to understand the therapeutic applications based on the disease conditions.
- Giving biomechanical knowledge about normal and pathological gaits along with patterns and usage of walking aids.
- Promote transparent communication with the patient and client.
- Comply with the code of ethics and other regulations governing the practice of physiotherapy.
- These objectives are achieved through theoretical and practical sessions, integrative seminars and clinical approach. Interactive teaching methods are used to foster the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Department of Acupuncture, Acupressure, Reflexology, Reiki and Pranic Healing
The course is designed with an analytical approach based on theoretical reasoning to a spectrum of common medical conditions that will enable the students to more effectively apply their knowledge to improve patient care. During the face to face clinical instruction sessions, ample opportunity will be provided for hands-on needling techniques for body and ear acupuncture, pulse and tongue diagnoses, acupuncture points location, etc. In addition, important topics of clinical and basic scientific research on acupuncture in various fields of general interests will be presented.
Course objectives
- Understanding of Qi (energy) and its effects on the body.
- Understanding the concepts of Acupuncture.
- Understand the mechanisms of action of Acupuncture on anaesthesia.
- Physiological and therapeutic effects of acupressure.
- Introduction to Pranic healing and Reiki.
- Application of the laws and the five elements of Nature.
- Understanding of primary channels and specific points.
- Treat musculoskeletal conditions and painful conditions.
- Know and apply acupuncture assessments.
- Understand Chinese philosophy of treatment.
- Application of Moxibustion, Cupping, and Electro-Acupuncture.
- Application of Auricular, Scalp and Hand Acupuncture in treatment protocols
Department of Minor Surgery, First Aid and Emergency Medicine
The course is designed to introduce students to the principles of acute care medicine, basic principles of surgery, emergency medicine and first aid. Students will learn to conduct thorough and detailed case history taking and physical examination in conjunction with procedural skills. The students are trained to carry out basic life support, assess life threatening situations, prioritize casualties and safely evacuate casualties. The students are exposed to general medical practice, both in the community and in hospital during the course curriculum.
Course objectives
- Perform, record, present and discuss in detail skills of history taking of common surgical diseases.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the symptoms and signs of common surgical conditions.
- Demonstrate appropriate skills to conduct comprehensive clinical examination of post-surgical patients.
- Demonstrate the appropriate ways to identify physical signs of common surgical conditions.
- Formulate a reasonable differential diagnosis of surgical disorders based on history and physical examination.
- Demonstrate a basic knowledge of common and emergency surgical conditions.
- Learn the basic approach to patients who present with chest pain, respiratory distress, etc.
- Learn the principles of basic wound management and evaluation of orthopedic injuries
- Learn the basic principles of management of trauma care patients.
- Learn the basic principles of environmental injury (heat related illness and hypothermia).
- Learn the basic principles of management of poisoning cases and overdoses of the particular poisons.
- Know the limits of basic first aid.
Department Medical Ethics and Hospital Management
The course is designed to develop graduates with good conceptual knowledge, managerial skills and practical training in various functional areas in a hospital. The course introduces the student to healthcare organizations and organizational management concepts. The course provides an overview of the management role, organizational theory, management economics, and theory and practice of systemic organizational change within overall strategic management and systemic contexts.
Course objectives
- Hospital Planning.
- Designing and Facility Management.
- Hospital and Health Information System.
- Management of OPD, emergency and other support services.
- Nutrition management and dietary services.
- Health insurance, logistics and Supply Chain Management.
- Hospital Waste Management Operations Research.
- Research Methodology and its techniques.
- Quality Assurance in hospitals and healthcare organizations.
- Regulations in hospitals and healthcare.
- Analyze the management and development issues faced by hospital managers.
- Review and evaluate services using concepts of organization and structure, methods of planning and managing resources.
- Compare national and international health policy and management issues.
- Analyze and develop hospital service policies in the relevant local and national context.
- Understand the principles of good governance and professional ethics.